Tipping Policy

  • Dear Camp Families,

    We are so glad that you have had the opportunity to join us this summer! Many of you have reached out for information on how to tip staff members who have worked so hard this summer. We prefer to use the GRAZZEE APP rather than accepting cash tips and envelopes. Therefore, we have teamed up with Grazzee, a contactless tipping app that can also be accessed online. It is easy to use, and the money will be sent directly to each staff member you select. Please follow the instructions provided below on how to download the GRAZZEE APP and use the use GRAZZEE website.

    Tipping Information using Grazzee:
    While tipping is not required, it is certainly an appropriate way to reward those staff members who have contributed toward the success of your child’s experience. Staff typically receive gratuities from ninety percent of our camp families. Although this is a guide, please feel free to increase the amounts if your child has had an exceptional experience.
    Recommended Tipping Amounts are as follows:

    Senior Counselor:  $9 – $11 per week of enrollment.
    Junior Counselor:  $7 – $9 per week of enrollment.
    Bus or Car Driver: $7 – $9 per week of enrollment.
    Bus Counselor and/or Assistant Bus Counselor: $3 – $5 per week of enrollment.

    Grazzee Instructions for Mobile App:

    1. Download the GRAZZEE APP through the App Store on your IOS or Android device.
    2. You will be prompted to enter your phone number. Click Next.
    3. Once submitted enter the verification code sent to your device. Click Next.
    4. Fill out your profile so staff knows who has sent them a gratuity.
    5. Click on “Give/Get” and then select GIVE to TIP a staff member.
    6. Select Camp and search “Tall Pines Day Camp”.
    7. Scroll down to find your BUNK and BUS number.
    8. Click on the down arrow to see the staff associated with your BUNK and/or BUS.
    9. Enter tip amount, and a note if you wish and click SAVE. You may tip as many people on one transaction as you would like. Select continue and you will see the gratuities listed.
    10. Click PAY to view your “Gift Summary” and select your payment method. You can pay by credit card, Apple Pay, or with a bank account. Follow prompts accordingly.
    11. Once submitted, the staff member is immediately notified.
    12. If you have any trouble using the app, please contact zach@grazzee.comp

    Grazzee Instructions for website;

    1. Go to www.grazzee.com and “sign up” at the top right corner of the website.
    2. Create a profile
    3. Click on Login and Sign in.
    4. Go to “Give to new entity” on the left-hand side; click on CAMP and then choose Tall Pines Day Camp.
    5. Follow steps 7-11 from instructions above.

    If you have any other questions, please let us know.
    Thank you for showing your appreciation to our 2023 staff members.