Swimming Program

  • Tall Pines has three swimming pools for campers to enjoy. Tall Pines aquatic staff is comprised of American Red Cross certified Lifeguards that are trained to care for campers of varying age groups and swim levels. Campers participate in a daily instructional swim lesson and a free swim. Whether it’s a beginner or an advanced swimmer, Tall Pines has the perfect mix of water safety and summer fun for everyone.

    Using the American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim program, campers develop skills that take them from just getting comfortable in the water to strong, safe swimmers through seven different levels. Campers in beginner levels swim in water depth that allows them to keep their feet on the ground, so novice swimmers feel in control of their experience. Progress reports are sent home from your child’s swim instructor, highlighting the skills that they master throughout the summer.


    • Level 1: Introduction to Water Skills: Campers learn to feel comfortable in the water and safely enjoy it.
    • Level 2: Fundamentals of Aquatic Skills: Campers learn basic swimming skills.
    • Level 3: Stroke Development: Additional guided lessons help campers improve their skills.
    • Level 4: Stroke Improvement: Campers gain confidence during swimming lessons, improve their stroke and gain additional aquatic skills.
    • Level 5: Stroke Refinement: Guidance allows campers to refine their strokes and become more efficient swimmers.
    • Level 6: Swimming and Skill Proficiency: Campers learn to swim with ease and efficiency and gain the ability to swim smoothly over greater distances.
    • Level 7: Advanced Swimming and Skill Proficiency: Campers continue refining skills and strokes from Level 6 and build their endurance over greater swimming distances.